Putting this in a different perspective, you are hot and tired, you have been bounced around in the land rover for over 2 hours (and got the bruises to prove it), you have seen nothing, your nerves are shot to pieces waiting for that elusive animal, you are thirsty, hungry and you have just lost your lens cap to your new camera.
Sometimes life is a bit like that, exasperating, exhausting and with that feeling that you are chasing your tail - or even the lion's, both in your own life and also in business.

Don't you think that this is a lesson in life? There is no need to manically try to fit everything in, rushing around all over the place to achieve your objectives and getting stressed in the process. Sometimes what you are trying to achieve may just come to you, so just let it happen.
Of course, on safari in a land rover can be exhilarating, I love it and it is an African experience not to be missed. But it is your choice. And it is your choice how you approach life.
Sense Africa, restoration for the mind, body and soul.
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