Monday 15 November 2010

How To Create Stunning Photos

Memories of Africa are what we strive for whilst on holiday and the most popular way of remembering this is through photographic evidence.  On returning from holiday, camera memory cards are usually full to the brim of useless photos and those award-winning photos that you thought you had, and which turn out to be uneventful blurs.  I am a self taught photographer, and I am not that fantastic at taking pictures, but I love my end products and it gives me great joy.  So here are some simple techniques that I have learnt to avoid photographic disappointment and to create photographic envy.

1. Always have your camera at the ready as you never know when you will see something of interest.
2. Whilst in a vehicle, hold your camera at the ready or have it on your lap.  When on your lap the camera is cushioned from the vibrations of the vehicle – constant vibrations can jolt the camera mechanisms out of place.
3. Using a small beanbag or a window mounted tripod helps stabilise your camera and keeps pictures pin sharp.
4. If you're taking pictures of wildlife, focus on the animals eyes – if the either out of focus and you will lose 'picture' appeal.
5. And remember not to take too many close-ups of animals, create space in your photo and give the African backdrop a chance to shine, it is a fantastic photo in itself.

They say that patience is a virtue – all good things come to those that wait, and it does most of the time!  And as a final thought, try not to spend all of the time looking through the camera lens, enjoy the surrounding so that you can really truly "sense" Africa.

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